Docm77 has made a massive, powerful, yet fragile tunnel boring machine with which he is conveniently discovering and collecting diamond ore as he tears through the underside of the Hermitcraft world. During livestreams, Doc is accepting punishments in the form of push-ups for a number of violations of a rules list that he created and which a fan named Azenmaru made a cute drawing of in February 2021.
I was so inspired by this that I adopted this system of hard, fast rules for Life In General to promote my own healthy living both personally and professionally. A violation of the rules set in place here result in punishments which I dole out to myself. The goal is to keep the point count as low as possible.
Seriously, have you HEARD of Habitica? Why yes, yes I have.
- Inefficient Activity: +1pt (or more based on infraction
- Forgot your lunch? AGAIN!?: +5pts
- Late getting out the door: +1pt/min
- Late to work/a venue: +1pt/min
- Timecard < Full (Counted on the 25th): +10pts/hr
- Frivolous spending: +1pt/dollar
- Overdraft: +10pts/bank transfer
- Up past bedtime on a work night: +1pt/min after 9:30pm
- Minecraft/MU* during work hours: +5pt/connection
- Minecraft/MU* reconnect during work hours: +1pt/connection
- Missed brushing teeth (twice per day): +3pts ea
- Days missed flossing (once per day): +5pts
- Burpees: -1pt ea
- Pushup/Squat/Situp: -1pt ea set
- Pull-Ups: -2pt ea
- Stair run: -2pt round trip
- Running: -100pt/mile
- Walking: -50pt/mile
- Biking: -25pt/mile
Running Total
Type a value to add to the point total. A negative number will decrease it! Note – an agreement has been made not to exceed 500 points total. If this value is saturated at 500, certain privileges will be denied until the number is dropped by even a single point.