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Version 1.8.5 patchlevel 7 Mar 16, 2015
* Bytes received by connections weren't being properly recorded for things like SESSION and recv(). * Fix some highly unlikely crash bugs/memory leaks in atr_tab.c [MG] * @attribute/delete now deletes all aliases for the deleted attr, too. [MG] * Help fixes. [MG] * SOCKSET didn't always send the corret lineendings. [MG] * unsetq() and @include/clearregs were unpredictable, and hopefully now function more reliably. Reported by spork, Mercutio and others. [MG] * Remove compile warning when info_slave isn't used. [MG] * %X now always returns the capitalized version of %x, even when the returned value contains ANSI. [MG] * Fixed a few niggly bugs in @include, registers() and similar things making too many or too few registers available at the wrong time. From a report by Paige. [MG] * lit(%) returned %) instead of %. Reported by Ashen-Shugar. [MG] * PCRE's jit engine causes crashes when passed certain malicious regular expressions. Disable it for all public-facing uses of REs. Reported by Ashen-Shugar. [SW] * align() would sometimes show extra column separators when columns were merged. [MG] * @lock/interact was wrongly checked when paging a player with an @pageformat set. Reported by Odin. [MG] * Channels you had both @chan/gagged and @chan/combined would still show connect messages. Reported by Paige. [MG] * Fix a memory leak in @dolist/inline when used with @break. From a report by spork. [MG] * @chan/decompile <hidden channel> by a mortal didn't give an error message. Reported by Paige. [MG] * It was impossible to remove a thing from a channel which had been restricted so only players could join. Reported by Paige. [MG] * Players with an @pageformat which eval'd to an empty string wouldn't know they were being paged. Reported by Ashen-Shugar. [MG] * Fix crash in named q-registers. Reported by Qon@M*U*S*H. [DC] * Enabling the log_commands config option while a LOG`CMD event was set would cause endless queueing, until the event handler was halted as a runaway object. Reported by spork. [MG] * Fix a potential overflow problem in the code that computes queue load averages for @ps. [SW] * @motd/down and @motd/full are actually shown now. [MG] * Properly negotiate telnet with clients who spit out telnet codes instantly upon connection like MUSHclient. Reported by Mercutio and AND. [MG] * Improved configure support for NetBSD. [SW] * Fix a compile error on non-Windows, non-BSD, non-Linux OSes. [SW]
* Improvements to networking code; robustness on errors and portability. [SW]
* Added two new column modifiers to wrap(), x and X, to allow truncation of fields instead of wrapping. Suggested by Qon, spork and others. [MG]
Minor changes:
* @attribute/delete now displays the info for an attribute, as per @attrib <attr>, prior to deleting it. [MG] * The *div*() and *mod*() math functions now take an unlimited number of args, instead of exactly 2 args. Suggested by Mercutio, patch by Luke. * A SUSPECT player changing their name to the same thing doesn't trigger an alert. Suggested by Rince. [SW] * valid(attrvalue, <value>, <name>) checks if &<name> obj=<value> is valid. For @attrib/enum and /limit. [MG] * Added @flag/decompile and @attribute/decompile, to decompile each table to copy to another game. Suggested by spork. [MG] * Newly set player passwords are salted to be more resistant to cracking via rainbow tables by somebody with a copy of the database. You still shouldn't be re-using a password for anything important, of course. Existing passwords aren't automatically updated. [SW] * Added /clearregs to @trigger. Suggested by Volund. [MG] * @motd with no args now acts like @motd/list, instead of clearing the MotD. Use @motd/clear to clear the current one. Suggested by Bodin. [MG] * @command can now be used by non-players. From a gripe of Kitai's. [MG] * Update some configure macros to the latest versions. [SW]