The Fairy Garden MUSH

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199 (NEWS 398) - Finally some creativity!
By Alara: Thanks to Adamros for kicking me into a short spurt of inspiration. Last weekend I sat nearly all of Saturday working on a recipe for roasting marshmallows with him as the test subject. In short, any sort of campfire item (something @parented to #9135) will allow any sort of "bag of marshmallows" (cloned from/parented to #9134) sitting beside it to work. These items plus ROAST MARSHMALLOW and EAT MARSHMALLOW are all you need to enjoy a shot of jet-puffed deliciousness.

In addition, you'll find the area of the forest just north of the Great Tree to be a bit more connected and a bit less "rectangular." In one of the empty areas, I've cleared an area where you can gather with fellow forest folk to enjoy a nightly bonfire (armed with marshmallows, of course). I also have plans to open up a few campsites in the same clearing to set up tents and the like. I plan to talk with Jimmy and see if he'll be up for stocking all items necessary for camping excursions.
--Sun, 12 Nov 2017 19:56:32 MST
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