The Fairy Garden MUSH

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243 (NEWS 432) - +HELP
By Alara: Fixed! I finally dug in, found the SQL functions needed to fix the new +HELP system, and now all categories with their respective permissions and syntaxes are working! At least as far as I can tell. And as far as it matters. If you run into any anomalies, let me know!

Additionally, all +HELP data within the new system is completely static. I do want to add dynamic +HELP (i.e. +HELP that, instead of pulling text from the SQL database is directed back into the MUSH to pull from an attribute on an object). This is potentially insecure at first glance as a simple built-in function within the object help attrib could inject code into places, but we could add some sanitization beforehand.
--Tue, 19 Nov 2024 17:56:36 MST
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